
The Revisionary Arts (RA) open-to-the-community workshop takes place on the 3rd Saturday of every month at 1pm (Arizona time). We use a virtual platform for these workshops, which you can access here. Our community workshop series features a rotating cast of facilitators (and themes), from trauma-informed poets to graduate students in Medicine and the Health Humanities. No writing experience is necessary to attend, and we welcome a range of diverse participants into our healing space each month.

Additionally, RA offers a range of workshops that are adapted to the needs of specific populations.

  • single sessions: unique, one-time workshops that introduce participants to the techniques of therapeutic poetry/narrative and encourage reflection, writing, and sharing
  • recurring sessions (bi-annual, quarterly, or monthly): a series of workshops that can be thematically linked and share the consistency of a single facilitator
  • residencies: a series of workshops (8 weeks+) embedded in clinical and outpatient facilities, residencies are comprised of progressive sessions that maintain both the consistency of participants and facilitators, thereby evolving trust, awareness, community, and long-term benefits

Please contact us at to inquire about and/or schedule a workshop for your organization.